Thursday, April 23, 2009

My GPS address

So I took my Garmin eTrex out for a bike ride last night.  The weather was nice, with finally not a lot of wind.  I didn't have much time to play with the GPS yet, but thought I'd bring it with me just to see what it'd do.  As I went, I figured out that it isn't supposed to be used as a map as you go like my Blackberry Storm works with Google Maps installed on it.  But as I took stops, I tried to hit "save location" in thoughts of downloading the locations to a PC to then map it out later. 

Anyway, I then thought, "how can I get a high res map from these GPS coordinates"?  I couldnt' figure out how to do it on Google maps, but Mapquest has a way that you can input coordinates and it will give you the map:

If google can do this, let me know.

But then I thought, what if I want the opposite?  What I'm thinking, is I google map a location, then input those coordinates into the GPS as a waypoint.  This might save me from feeling like I need an expensive TOPO to install on the GPS unit.  So I found a site that does that too:

So, the long story has a point.  My address at home is this:

Latitude: 40 deg, 42 min, 53 sec
Longitude: -99 deg, 6 min, 36 sec

Where's your home in GPS language?

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